Performing Free Energy Calculations in GROMACSΒΆ

So far we have shown a number of examples which can hopefully get you started with ProtoCaller. However, all of the examples covered system preparation. While system preparation is arguably the most sophisticated part of the free energy workflow, it is also useful to streamline the subsequent simulations.

In this tutorial we show an example run script which accepts the working directory and the stage of the simulation (bound or solvated leg) as arguments. This means that this script can be universally used for your structures prepared with ProtoCaller either on your desktop or on a computing cluster.

The below script defines a number of van der Waals, Coulomb and bonded lambda values from 0 to 1 (we assume that we are shrinking the ligand). After that it runs minimisation, equilibration in the NVT ensemble, equilibration in the NPT ensemble and final production for 1 ns per lambda window. All of the parameters and presets can be changed by the user, including running the lambda windows in parallel. These extra options can be found in the Protocol and RunGMX classes.

# GROMACS is detected automatically.
# Set the GROMACSHOME variable to a custom location otherwise
# import os
# os.environ["GROMACSHOME"] = "CUSTOM_LOCATION/gromacs-2018.4"

import logging

import numpy as np
import ProtoCaller.Simulation as Simulation
from ProtoCaller.Utils.fileio import Dir
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", type=str,
                    help="Whether to run bound or solvated leg")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--workdir", type=str, help="Path to where "
                    "complex_final.* and/or morph.* are located")
args = parser.parse_args()

workdir = Dir(args.workdir) if args.workdir else Dir(".")

if args.mode == "bound":
    dirname = "Run_Bound"
    gro = "complex_final.gro"
    top = ""
elif args.mode == "solvated":
    dirname = "Run_Solvated"
    gro = "morph.gro"
    top = ""
    raise ValueError("Please choose either 'bound' or 'solvated'")

# determine the lambda values
vdw_lambdas = [0] * 9 + [round(x, 2) for x in np.linspace(0.00, 0.95, num=26)] \
              + [0.97, 0.98, 0.99, 0.999, 1.00]
bonded_lambdas = vdw_lambdas[:]
coulomb_lambdas = [round(x, 2) for x in np.linspace(0.00, 1.00, num=10)] + \
                  [1] * 30

with workdir:
    # here we show how to pass extra parameters to GROMACS.
    # In this case these are not needed, however.
    extra_params = {"fep-lambdas": [0] * 40, "calc-lambda-neighbors": "-1"}
    # initialise a Simulation object
    run = Simulation.RunGMX(dirname, gro, top, coulomb_lambdas=coulomb_lambdas,
                            vdw_lambdas=vdw_lambdas, bonded_lambdas=bonded_lambdas)
    # run minimisation
    run.runSimulation(name="Minimisation", use_preset="minimisation",
                      n_steps=25000, softcore_coulomb=False, constraint="no",
    # run NVT equilibration
    run.runSimulation(name="Equilibration_NVT", use_preset="equilibration_nvt",
                      n_steps=50000, timestep=0.001, softcore_coulomb=False,
    # run NPT equilibration
    run.runSimulation(name="Equilibration_NPT", use_preset="equilibration_npt",
                      n_steps=50000, timestep=0.001, softcore_coulomb=False,
    # run production in NPT
    run.runSimulation(name="Production", use_preset="production",
                      integrator="stochastic", n_steps=500000, timestep=0.002,
                      softcore_coulomb=False, extra_params=extra_params,
                      skip_positions=2500, skip_energies=2500)